Oxfordshire males needed for DNA testing
Help our research and get a discount!
FamilyTreeDNA have a sale on until 18th June 2018 on DNA tests for males (Y-DNA) tracing the surname line (your father’s father’s father’s family).
Here at the Oxfordshire surname project we need many more males tested to help us trace all the surname lines in the county. If you are male with your male line existing in Oxfordshire before 1875 please consider buying a DNA test this month.
The Y-DNA 37 test (starter level) is down to about £97 (down from $169 to $129). The even better Y-67 test is down to about £164 from well over £200. If you qualify with your male line Oxfordshire ancestry go to our project page, click on the join button, and buy a Y-37 or Y-67 test – that means you will join the Oxfordshire project and buy a test at the same time – so helping our research.
Any queries to dna@ofhs.uk
There are over 1500 surnames we want but some of them are: Absolon, Acott, Akers, Allnutt, Allom, Ambrose, Ashby, Attewell, Ayris, Banbury, Barefoot, Bartlett, Baston, Beale, Beckinsale, Beesley, Betteridge, Billington, Bitmead, Bloxham, Bowles, Buckingham, Chaundy, Cherrill, Clinch, Coggins, Coppock, Costiff, Couldrey, Couling, Coxeter, Dore, Drinkwater, Druce, Dumbleton, Dunsdon, Edgeworth, Edgington, Eeles, Eltom, Ferriman, Flexney, Gardner, Gillett, Goodgame, Hambidge, Harris, Hedges, Hirons, Hitchman, Hone(y), Howse, Ilot, Jakeman, Kearse, Kench, Kite, Lamprey, Lanchbury, Luckett, Maisey, Margetts, Merry, Messenger, Millin, Moberley, Munday, Neighbour, Orpwood, Padbury, Pether, Phipps, Plester, Pratley, Puddle, Quarterman, Radband, Rowles, Rymill, Scarsbrook, Seary, Shayler, Shelswell, Shury, Silman, Slaymaker, Souch, Steptoe, Templar, Thornett, Tidmarsh, Toovey, Townsend, Tredwell, Trinder, Tuckwell, Upstone, Vasey, Viner, Waine, Wastie, Wenman, Wheeler, Whitehorn, Wiblin, Widdows, Wiggins, Wilsdon, Windows, Wing, Witney, Wixon, Yates, Young.
[There are many spelling variants of all these names.]