Maternal DNA Test sale
FamilyTreeDNA is having a 4 day sale on maternal DNA testing, so if you have always wanted to check out your mother’s mother’s mother’s line and find a few cousins then this might be the time to do it. If you have multiple generations of Oxfordshire ancestry on your mother’s line then please register for the test via our Oxfordshire project. If not, go through the main site or find a suitable project via the project search capability.
Sale prices are as below:
mtDNAFullSequence: Addon and New Kits – was $199 US Now $139 US
mtHVR1toMEGA Upgrade: Was $149 US Now $99 US
mtHVR2toMEGA Upgrade: Was $159 US Now $89 US
If you haven’t tried DNA testing at all and have many generations of Oxfordshire family, then do please check out our Oxfordshire project. We are looking for more members, so we can trace Oxon ancestry, especially via surnames. We already have some Minster Lovell connections, so help make it more!